Meulensteen House of Robotics has officially been openen on Thursday afternoon. The opening took place during the yearly Kadans Summer Event, an informal network event for all tenants of Kadans on TU/e Campus. During a short panel session, Vincent Kwaks (CTO Vanderlande), Maarten Steinbuch (Eindhoven Unversity of Technology professor and founder of Eindhoven Medical Robotics) and Robert-Jan Smits (President of the Executive Board of Eindhoven University of Technology) discussed how both the robotics companies as well as the TU/e Campus contribute to an innovative ecosystem. We then toasted to the opening of the new robotics hub, Meulensteen House of Robotics, in a robotic manner of course.
Kadans acquired the Meulensteen building at the end of 2018. The building was then transformed during the beginnen of 2019 to meet the needs of the new tenants. The multi-tenant building has workshops for robotics start-ups and R&D departments. The new environment is ideal for start-ups and companies that maintain a link or would like to cooperate with the TU/e and related businesses. Tenants Eindhoven Medical Robotics and Vanderlande have already moved into their new workshops in Meulensteen House of Robotics.
After raising a toast, the Kadans Summer Event was continued with food and drinks. Of course the building was open to the public, where also Tech United, current world champion in both soccer robots as well as service robots, showed their robots‘ capabilities. A successful afternoon.