
PharmaCytics is a pharmaceutical Research company, specialized in synthetic chemistry, and produces bioactive molecules to study and manipulate biological systems. The company has extensive expertise on medicinal chemistry, prodrugs, linkers, and drug delivery, with special emphasis on nutrient-drug conjugates.

The team of scientists and business experts, is highly motivated to develop new and value-added therapies to relieve medical issues of patients. Their focus is to provide innovative solutions to improve suboptimal properties of small-molecule drugs. One of their main drug delivery projects is to facilitate transport of biomolecules through cellular membranes. By combining knowledge of cellular processes with medicinal chemistry expertise, they have developed proprietary technology to solve bioavailability issues of (oral) medication by exploiting the transport capacity of specific carrier proteins. The technology also holds promise to facilitate uptake of anticancer drugs into tumor cells and to enable passage of CNS active compounds through the blood-brain barrier.

For more information about PharmaCytics, visit their website.

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