
Medtech start-up Plasmacure has its roots at the Technical University Eindhoven (TU/e) with its long track record on cold plasma generation and characterization. The company was founded in 2014 by Bas Zeper and over time, the team has grown. PLASOMA was developed and validated together with various medical and R&D partners.

Throughout years the concept of PLASOMA received a number of awards and nominations.

Every 30 seconds someone, somewhere on the planet, loses a foot due to amputation. More than 80% of these amputations is caused by diabetic foot ulcers. Cold plasma can stimulate wound healing. Plasmacure has developed a safe way to apply cold plasma directly in a wound. Meet the ground-breaking medical device PLASOMA. Our patented cold plasma solution brings bactericidal cold plasma directly in the wound. At Plasmacure we envision a world in which people no longer suffer from chronic wounds.

For more information about Plasmacure, visit their website.

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